Who I am ?

My Info :

My name is Karim Ali Al-Sayed, I am 21 years old, and I study in the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Information System Department, Level 4, at Helwan University.


Brief :

I have been working in the web field for 3 years, starting from learning the basics until reaching a very good level. I always try to learn and increase my soft skills and technical skills to face the developments taking place in the labor market.

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My Skills

My Projects

My graduation project involves creating a system where the user, who is the patient, enters their illness, the sector that matches their financial situation, and their current location. The system then displays the available hospitals that treat their condition, are close to them, and have available space. This way, the patient doesn't waste time going to a hospital that might not have space, doesn't treat their condition, or is far from them. To clarify further... Hompital

CRUD System This is a CRUD System project that displays customers, professors, and courses. It also allows for editing, deleting, and using React JS and many libraries. For more details, please provide further information. CRUD System

E-Commerce This is an E-Commerce website built using React JS. I utilized the fakestore API to display real data and incorporated additional libraries. For more details, please provide further information. E-Commerce

SCCI is a student activity affiliated with Cairo University, and I worked on their website when I was the Head of IT in 2023. After forming a team of 12 members, I trained and taught them various web programming languages. Together, we worked on the SCCI website, which is used to attract deals to the organization. The website is sent to companies to engage in deals with us. SCCI

Accountant Company I created this website as a form of training to build different designs for companies. This particular design was created using Canva, and I was able to convert the PDF design into an actual design using code. company

Furniture I developed this website as a type of training and converted a design PDF into code and an actual design. It is a design specifically for furniture. Furniture

Internships & Experiences

I studied ReactJS from scratch during my summer training at ITI. I learned it thoroughly and reached a very good level. We trained, worked on tasks, and delivered a graduation project. I learned about the virtual DOM, real DOM, state, props, functional components vs class components, hooks, and many other concepts.

I also studied important topics at Be Ready, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and time management. I learned how to plan for the future, create a CV, and succeed in interviews.

SCCI is a student activity that focuses on developing students and is a non-profit organization. It teaches students various skills demanded in the job market, such as marketing and web development.
  • Participant in SCCI'21 :
  • I studied problem-solving by bridging the gap between software and hardware, and I learned soft skills like communication, management, leadership, and more.
  • IT member in SCCI'22 :
  • I studied both front-end and back-end web development and worked with my team on the SCCI website, which serves both external and internal clients and students. I was recognized as the best IT member.
  • Head IT in SCCI'23
  • My responsibilities included conducting interviews for applicants, selecting 12 individuals, training them, and teaching them various web-related skills such as HTML/CSS/JS/Bootstrap/UI-UX/PHP/SQL. We worked together on the SCCI website, and it was a successful endeavor.

    Courses & certificates


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    you can contact with me and watch my linked In

    you can watch and view my projects on github